Hellbot - Violet Beast

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The heavy dark steel has built the Beast, however with the miraculous violet flame on his arm, he is fight for justice and freedom! Bringing the spiritual energy into Hellbot, Soft Steel introduce “Violet Beast” as the first ver. in 2020, with metallic black steel body and violet flame parts, the BEAST is yet to come!

深色鋼鐵造就了它,手臂上有著神奇的紫色火焰,正在為正義與自由而戰! Soft Steel為Hellbot帶來了精神能量,並在2020年首推”Violet BEAST”配色,仍將配備金屬黑塗裝和紫色半透明火焰手,巨無霸即裝降臨!

Size : 25.5
Material : Soft Vinyl
Colour: Violet Beast
Available in Janurary 2019
Manufacturer: Toyzeroplus
Made in China